Night Owl 7
Night Owl Shareware (NOPV7)(Night Owl Publisher Inc.)(1992).bin
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Text File
361 lines
│ Important notice: If you're upgrading, you need to read this file up │
│ point at which you are upgrading from. There are │
│ instructions such as 'delete this file' that you need │
│ to do if you want SRE to work correctly! │
│ If you are NOT upgrading, it might be worth reading this file to see all │
│ the "features", because many of them have not been added to the main docs.│
│ │
│ NOTE: To upgrade an old version of SRE, just unzip the ARJ (or ZIP) file │
│ into your SRE directory. You do not have to reset the game. │
What's NEW in SRE 0.984f
1. The reports are rewritten! You may notice that your REPORTS.SR file
will be missing and it will replaced by RPT.SR, which is _much_ smaller.
What's NEW in SRE 0.984
1. 50 Generals can fit on one government planet instead of 40.
2. Diplomacy option was added to the System Menu.
3. Coverts or generals will kill each other if they don't have enough
space on the government planets to survive.
4. "Supply planets" are an option at reset-time; these planets (REGISTERED)
supply all military units rather than only soldiers. You can also
toggle them with SRE SUPPLY.
5. Fixed bug where the galactic coordinator gives too much money.
6. Fixed bug that let users put spaces after the empire name.
7. Installed new optimized ANSI routines.
8. New message system, with longer word-wrapping messages. One nice side
effect is that even though the messages are longer, LESS space is taken
up on disk!!!
9. New message option: SRE MESSAGE lets the sysop post a message
(public or private) to the players
10. Problems with pirates having too much stuff when raided have been fixed.
11. Pirate teams will live past resets. If you wish to delete the pirates,
erase the file ENEMY.SR (at any time).
12. The amount the galactic coordinator gives to you depends on how nice
you have been (with respect to chemical/nuclear attacks, galactic
tax donations, and how many anti-pollution planets you have).
13. New option: SRE SUPPLY will let you select supply/soldier (REGISTERED)
14. New option: SRE GAMESTATUS will show you some information about the game.
15. New option: SRE MSGREAD will let you read all the messages and
see who they are from, even if the message was marked "anonymous" by
the sender.
16. "Show Relations" on the diplomacy section will show the net worths of
the other empires.
17. There are now TWO help files for SRE: SREHELP.DAT is the standard one
that comes with the game; HELP.DAT is one that you can create for your
own customization. See SREHELP.DAT for details on how to customize the
help file.
18. Bug that caused lockups (actually a loop that took a minute to complete
on a 16mhz system, but gave no indication that it was running) in
trading was fixed.
19. Nuclear weapons are now 30,000,000 credits instead of 50,000,000.
What's NEW in SRE 0.983c
1. The bank investments are for a certain number of turns rather than a
certain number of hours. This is better when the number of turns each
day is high, since you don't have to wait as long to get the investments
2. Support added for an SRTERM that might be written in the future.
3. Fixed bug with petroleum prices not being accurate if ^C was pressed
during play.
What's NEW in SRE 0.983b
1. SRE MSGPACK will pack the messages. Normally, this is done automatically
each day, so you don't have to worry about it.
2. New resource options Trading and Messages. (explained in RESOURCE.HLP)
3. Message bug with duplicating messages was fixed.
What's NEW in SRE 0.983
1. Chat mode fixed up so that it'll work better with locked baud rates.
2. A new option, SRE ENEMY, allows you to edit the pirate names. (REGISTERED)
3. Numeric input has been made better.
4. F3 during chat turns the user's keyboard on and off.
5. F1 during play displays a help window.
6. F2 during play displays a status window to spy on your users.
7. F7 and F8 decrease and increase user's time left, respectively.
8. SRE.RC (Resource file from 0.982b) is OBSOLETE. This means you have to
redo all your changes. (Sorry!) The new resource file is RESOURCE.DAT.
The format is different as well. It's all explained in RESOURCE.HLP.
The reason there's no RESOURCE.DAT included is so that when you upgrade,
and unzip the new stuff into your directory, it won't delete the setup
you have!
9. A new option, SRE TURNS, allows you to change the number of turns granted
per day. (REGISTERED)
10. The INSTRUCTIONS, DISPLAY, and SCORES parameters work over the modem
if you don't use the /LOCAL switch. If you use /LOCAL, then it'll display
to the screen instead of the modem.
11. ALT-J jumps (shells) to DOS if you have enough memory. SRE doesn't
swap to disk when shelling. :(
12. GAMEFULL.ANS or GAMEFULL.TXT is displayed when the game is full and
a user tries to start a new empire. (If the .ANS file exists AND the
user has ANSI, it is displayed; otherwise it displays the .TXT file.)
That way, if you have two or three games running, you can tell the user
to try another game.
13. Pirate Raids let you know what you've lost fighting the pirates.
14. Treaties can be individually enabled/disabled from RESOURCE.DAT.
15. SRE STATISTICS displays statistics about your game.
16. The LOCKOUT.USR file can have names of users that you want to lock out
of a game. Just create the file and list the users, one on each line,
that should not be allowed to play. (The user name should be listed
the same way that it would appear on the status bar when that user
plays.) Also, the LOCKOUT.ANS or LOCKOUT.TXT files are displayed when
that user attempts to play.
17. The help system is even easier to use, and there are options in the
resource file to select which type of help input you'd like.
18. There are resource options to selectively turn off nuclear and/or
chemical attacks. (REGISTERED)
19. You (the sysop) can add your own ANSI screens to SRE. See SRE.DOC
for info on where these ANSI screens are displayed.
20. You can specify a date to stop accepting new players into a game,
and when a user tries to play after that, SRE will display NOMORE.TXT
(or NOMORE.ANS if it exists). (REGISTERED)
What's NEW in SRE 0.982
1. Two status bars. (Wow.)
2. A resource file - SRE.RC - that lets you change the COM port parameters
and the length of timeout before the keyboard times out. (And others)
3. Bug with short prompts and petroleum planets not giving money has been
4. Number of turns of protection bug has been fixed; previously, it gave
one extra turn of protection.
5. Parameters such as /ANSI=0 didn't work with the DISPLAY or INSTRUCTIONS
parameters; now they do.
6. FINALLY! SRE Checks time left on the board. On some door types, I was
not able to figure out how much time was left, so SRE lets you play for
an unlimited amount of time. Also, if the time left doesn't work for you
(SRE expects minutes and your door type gives seconds or hours), you
can disable the time-limit feature by using the command line option
/NOTIMELIMIT. You can also edit SRE.RC to add the "No Time Limit"
option. If you do want the time limit, use /TIMELIMIT [the resource
file option is "Time Limit"]. The default is unspecified, and may
change in future versions, so I strongly advise you edit SRE.RC and
set your preference.
7. Bug with reports (bank investments and covert operation results) not
showing up has been corrected.
8. Bug that made results of battles with over 3000 soldiers/fighters/
cruisers has been fixed. Battle formulas are all-new (maybe not
9. Help is now context-sensitive. You can type "just enough" for SRE to
fill in the rest, and press TAB to complete the word or just press
RETURN if it's finished. (This also applies to bulletins.)
10. Running "SRE /?" will list all the parameters & switches.
11. Pressing ">" on a prompt will fill in the "max" value. This is very
useful in the bank, to Withdraw All or Deposit All.
12. Bug with entering long registration codes has been fixed. (It said
"Thanks for registering" after you type in the numbers, but it didn't
actually register the game.)
13. Some support (?) for COM3-8. You can edit [RESOURCE.DAT] to define your
COM ports. (Untested) This -should- work for IRQ levels 3 and 4.
What's NEW in SRE 0.981
1. Problem with attacking is fixed. In 0.980, attacking did too much damage.
2. Problem that caused enemy players not to appear has been fixed.
3. Problem that prevented a player from *completely* destroying another with
conventional attacks has been corrected.
4. F5 key returns the user to the BBS.
5. Scores won't show up locally when writing to SRESCORES.TXT/SRESCORES.ANS.
What's NEW in SRE 0.980
1. Both Short and Long instruction files. This is to encourage users to
read the short one if they're intimidated by the long one.
2. A new user message in NEWUSER.ANS/NEWUSER.TXT that is (REGISTERED)
displayed when a new player joins the game.
3. Reset in the unregistered version gives more options (Pirate Raid)
What's NEW in SRE 0.979
0. Since there never was a 0.979, there isn't anything new here.
What's NEW in SRE 0.977
1. IMPORTANT!! Use the NEW "RESEARCH.DAT" file from the ARJ/ZIP
2. Major bug in Pirate Raids fixed. (REGISTERED)
3. Many options in RESET: date to start game, number of days before
maintenance is run, whether the name of a defender in an attack is shown
in the news file, whether failed covert ops are shown in the news file,
and whether special attacks are allows. (REGISTERED)
4. The /BIOS switch is temporarily set to be default. /FASTWRITE forces the
direct screen writes.
5. Much internal `cleaning up'. The code size decreased by about 15k.
What's NEW in SRE 0.976
1. Bug involving too high Galactic Coordinator taxes is fixed. If you had
urban planets, the GC would charge you too much, usually more than you
2. Nuclear bombs have a maximum planet capacity of 300. This varies during
play. This also overrides "What's NEW in SRE 0.974", #3.
3. Having government planets now reduces the severity of a civil war caused
by not paying the planets. The civil war caused by not feeding the
people is not affected.
What's NEW in SRE 0.975
1. Bulletins available at the main menu. Edit SREHELP.DAT and add bulletins
in the form:
#key bulletin-«name»
The text is word wrapped unless there is a \n in the file; the "\n" forces
movement to the next line. The '\' character at the end of a line is a
place keeper. Some editors erase spaces at the end of a line. The \ is
ignored by SRE, but allows you to have a space at the end of a line.
2. Customizable help topics. Help topics are available from the system menu.
They are in the form #key help-«name». See #1 for more details.
3. Editable hints. These are also in SREHELP.DAT, with the same format as
#1 and #2 above.
4. User Preferences menu. If users are pressed for time, they can turn off
some of the verboseness of SRE, at the expense of making the game look
5. Fast files. The files are MUCH faster than those of 0.970. However, on
some computers (386/33), you may not notice.
6. Main Menu now contains 9 options instead of 6. The new ones: Status,
See Bulletins, and Diplomacy.
What's NEW in SRE 0.974
1. Computer-controlled enemies can be attacked with Pirate Raid. There
are 9 computer enemies that steal things from players. The players can
attack back and take back their items. (REGISTERED)
2. Guerilla attacks work now! (REGISTERED}
3. Nuclear attacks kill 25% of the opponent's planets. (REGISTERED)
4. Chemical attacks kill 50% of the opponent's population. (REGISTERED)
5. Saves in a turn. If the user hangs up during play, it saves the place
and starts there again next time.
6. New covert op: Treaty Spy, #7.
7. Investments. At the bank, you may invest money and it will return
in 36 real hours.
What's NEW in SRE 0.973
1. Planet prices in protection are much lower than they used to be. This
will allow the empires to grow much faster.
2. Main Menu available by editing the batch file. Change
3. News files NEWS.TXT and YESTNEWS.TXT list major events of the day.
What's NEW in SRE 0.972
1. Some covert operations now include a risk factor displayed before
the player is certain that he/she/it wants to perform the covert op.
2. New covert operation: Bombing, #6
3. F10 = chat. Chat finally works acceptably. Control-R + a number
changes colors.
What's NEW in SRE 0.971
1. Bug fix: the Abdicate option didn't work. It caused a "divide error"
and sometimes locked up the system.
2. Scores files generated automatically --- SRE produces SRESCORES.ANS and
SRESCORES.TXT every time its run instead of the batch file running
3. The batch file needs to be created again. Re-Run SRINSTAL's Batch File
Setup option.
4. The instruction file can be sent to a file with
to produce an ANSI instruction file (SRE.LOG), or
to produce a non-ANSI instruction file (also in SRE.LOG). You can
then copy SRE.LOG to another file. This need only be done once.
What's NEW in SRE 0.970
1. Instantaneous petroleum price fluctuations. This prevents one user from
taking advantage of extremely high petroleum prices. It is also more
realistic for the game.
2. Guerilla Warfare
Explained in the instructions to the game.
3. Several command-line options:
A. /ANSI=0
Forces ANSI off. Can be used with /LOG and SCORES to produce
a non-ANSI score file.
B. /ANSI=1
Forces ANSI on. Can be used with /LOG and SCORES to produce
an ANSI score file.
Writes all output to a log file, SRE.LOG. (In ANSI if ANSI is on).
You can also use this option to extract the instructions to a file
with "SRE /LOG": play the game, and view the instructions. Then
and edit the SRE.LOG file and copy the instruction part to a
separate file.
Uses the BIOS for output instead of direct-screen writes. Use
this for non-compatible computers or multi-tasking systems.
You can also use this to get rid of snow on CGA systems.
Turns off the special effect cursors at Yes/No prompts and at
pauses. This greatly reduces the size of the LOG file. Also,
some modems have bufferring that continues output even after
the user has pressed a key. If so, this option will speed up
remote game operation. (Ask users if PAUSE immediately goes
away when they press a key or if there's a delay; if there is
a delay, use this option.)
For BBS door files that don't send the right message to SRDOOR
that the user is local, this option forces LOCAL play.
4. Batch file setup inside of SRINSTAL. You don't have to run two programs
(SRINSTAL, SETUPBAT) to install SRE --- just one.
What's NEW in SRE 0.965
1. New planet types (Anti-Pollution, Petroleum)
2. System Menu (in the Government Spending Menu)
A. Super Lottery - Buy tickets and the game picks a winner daily
B. Scores
C. Check trade deals that had to be rejected because player couldn't
meet the demands
D. Covert Operations
E. Bank
F. Show Status
G. Set Tax Rate
H. Toggle Expert Mode
I. Abdicate
J. Change Colors
3. Bank available before paying planets
4. All-new improved SETUPBAT program, that allows:
A. Outputting the scores to a separate ANSI/text file
B. Recording all actions of all players in a trap file
5. A nicer-looking status bar
6. Command line parameters:
Registration of the game. If you send the registration form in,
we will send you three code numbers to you that you type in with
this option.
Registration of the game if it is already registered to someone else.
Setup of the bank: creates the bank and sets an interest rate. This is
available in the registered version only.
Erase all players, and set options. Options are only available in the
registered version.
Displays only the scores. Either run "SRE SCORES" as a door program
to allow the scores to be sent to the user directly or create a score
file with "SRE SCORES /LOG /ANSI=1 /LOCAL" and copy SRE.LOG to another
file. ("SRE SCORES /LOG /ANSI=0 /LOCAL" for a non-ANSI score file)
(See the new instruction file for details)